Please see our Publications on Google Scholar and listed below (* Denotes graduate students)


  • Dunning, K., Alva, A.*, Bailey, S.*, Morris, D.*, Wally, K.*, Williamson, R. (2023) Democratic Management of an Ecosystem Under Threat: The People’s Reefs. Conservation Stories from Florida and the Caribbean. London: Anthem Press.

  • Dunning, K. (2018) Communities of Coral: An Ecological and Institutional Analysis of Southeast Asian Coral Reefs. London: Anthem Press.


  • Drew, J., Sakai, S., Caginitoba, A., Warr, L., Espinoza, J., Dunning, K. Stakeholder perceptions of mangrove ecosystem services across scales of conservation focus. Conservation Biology. PDF.

  • Morris D.*, Cherian D., Castruccio F., Kleypas J., Krumhardt K., Moulton M., Williamson RD, Zohdy S., Dunning K., Davidson C. (2024) How changes projected by climate models can inform climate adaptation and marine sanctuary management: A collaborative prototype methodology. Journal of Environmental Management. 368:121953. PDF.

  • Johnson, G.*, Anderson, C., Dunning, K., & Williamson, R. (2024). National ocean policy in the United States: using framing theory to highlight policy priorities between presidential administrations. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1370004. PDF.

  • Johnson, G.*, Anderson, C., Williamson, R., & Dunning, K. (2024). Stakeholder perceptions of coastal environmental stressors in the Florida panhandle. Ocean & Coastal Management, 250, 107008. PDF.

  • Wally, K.*, Williamson, R., Dunning, K. (2024) Coral reefs and climate change: Examining two institutional approaches to managing a novel marine ecosystem. Marine Policy. PDF.

  • Moorman, T.*, Ditchkoff, S. S., Dunning, K., Mnguni, P., Morris, D.*, & Ward, C.* (2024). Participatory study of policy process for wildlife conservation and ecotourism in Eswatini: A multiple streams analysis. Environmental Science & Policy, 151, 103637. PDF.

  • Alva, A.*, Brown, E.*, Evans, A.*, Morris, D.*, Dunning, K. (2023). Dark Sky Parks: public policy that turns off the lights. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. PDF.

  • Stoakley, T.*, Cummings, C. *, Dunning, K., Gulsby, W., Williamson, R. D., & Ditchkoff, S. S. (2023). Regional differences in deer hunter attitudes and opinions regarding quality deer management (QDM). Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1-16. PDF.

  • Bailey, S, Morris, D., Dunning, K. (2023) Biodiversity conservation, advocacy coalitions, and science-focused disputes: the case of Caymanian coral reef conservation and the proposed port expansion project. Frontiers in Marine Science.

  • Von Hagen, L.*, Schulte, B. A., Dunning, K., Steury, T. D., Githiru, M., Zohdy, S., Lepczyk, C. A. (2023). Farmer Attitudes On Climate Change, Farming Practices, and Livelihood Threats, and the Impact to Conservation in the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor, Kenya. Human Ecology, 1-13.

  • Johnson G*, Wally K*, Willoughby JR, Williamson R, Corvey K*, Becker M*, Moorman T*, and Dunning K (2022) Application of the Policy Regime Framework to understand COVID-19 policy response in the Southeast U.S.: How RAPID research can provide lessons learned after a public health crisis. Front. Sociol. 7:959553. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.959553. PDF.

  • Bailey, S.*, Dunning, K., Morris, D.*, Williamson, R. (2022) How narratives shape policy: Lessons learned from port projects adjacent to coral reefs in Florida and the Cayman Islands. Marine Policy. PDF.

  • Elliot, J.*, Dunning, K., Gulsby, W., Ditchkoff, S.(2022) Training and Experience Increase Classification Accuracy in White-tailed Deer Camera Surveys. Wildlife Research.

  • Wang, L.*, Li, F., Meng, K., Dunning, K. (2022) Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Adult Subjective Well Being: The Role of Hope and Sense of Control. Frontiers in Psychology.
    • Dunning, K. (2022) Biodiversity Conservation Policy in Megadiverse Countries: Comparing Policy Systems for 2020 Targets to Inform Management in the Coming Decades. Journal of Environmental Management.
    • Lepczyk, C., Dunning, K., Williamson, R. (2022) Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Write Back Letters. Title: Response to Crowley et al. 2020.
    • Dunning, K. (2021) Unlikely Environmental Policy-making During a Polarized Congress: A Multiple Streams Analysis of “America’s Most Successful Conservation Program.” Politics and Policy, PDF.
    • Nagy, R. et al. (including Dunning, K.) (2022) Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Ecosphere.
    • Johnson, G.*, Alva, A.*, Dunning, K. (2022) Vulnerable Communities in Coastal Governance. In Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change. Editor: Paul Harris.

  • Larsen et al. including Dunning, K. "The future of wildlife conservation funding: What options do US college students support?." Conservation Science and Practice 3.10 (2021): e505. PDF.
    • Dunning, K. (2021) Adaptive Governance: The Proposed Port Expansion in the Cayman Islands and its Impacts to Coral Reefs. Marine Policy, 124, 104248.
    • Dunning, K. (2021) Adaptive Governance of Recreational Ecosystem Services Following a Major Hurricane. Ecosystem Services, 50, 101324.
    • Dunning, K. (2020) Building Resilience to Natural Hazards Through Coastal Governance: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey Recovery in Gulf of Mexico Communities. Ecological Economics, 176, 106759.
    • Tunnell, J. W., Dunning, K., Scheef, L. P., & Swanson, K. M. (2020) Measuring Plastic Pellet (Nurdle) Abundance on Shorelines Throughout the Gulf of Mexico Using Citizen Scientists: Establishing a Platform for Policy-relevant Research. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 151, 110794.
    • Dunning, K. (2016) Missing the trees for the forest? Bottom-up Policy Implementation and Adaptive Management in the US Natural Resource Bureaucracy. Environmental Policy and Planning.
    • Dunning, K. (2015) Ecosystem Services and Community Based Coral Reef Management Institutions in Post Blast Fishing Indonesia. Ecosystem Services. PDF